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Monday, February 19, 2018

Internal and external forces of the earth

Internal and external forces of the earth

The forces that direct Natural phenomena that have affected geo-material and still affect it. It is internal for what is happening in depth and external for what is happening on the surface; the internal phenomena are those which produce the reliefs; external phenomena are those that destroy them.

Internal and external forces of the earth
Internal and external forces of the earth

Internal geodynamics
Internal geodynamics, concerns the movements and processes that affect the interior of the Earth. It is essentially a thermodynamics related to heat loss caused by the radioactive decay of certain elements. One of the manifestations more tangible of this dynamic is the displacement of rigid plates to the surface of the planet, this mechanics is described by the theory of plate tectonics, which explains great phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes, deformation of the earth's crust and the formation of large mountain ranges.

External geodynamics
External geodynamics studies structure and evolution outer envelopes of the Earth. His field encompasses all phenomena dissipating energy that comes, more or less directly, from the radiation Solar, which controls atmospheric and oceanic circulation, and to have the great characteristics of the oceanic and continental domains. Thus the external dynamics of the Earth's surface as well as the products of this dynamic: sedimentary rocks.

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