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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

UNESCO open Learning courses / free certificats

UNESCO open learning courses

UNESCO provides comprehensive courses in different languages ( English, Arabic, Spanish) those are English courses :

UNESCO open Learning courses

·        Rapid Teacher Training Programme on Distance Open, and Online Learning

·     Development and Delivery of Radio Lessons.

·     Open Educational Resources(OER) Development

·      Introduction to Remote Sensing for Catchment and Water Resource Management.

·      Introduction to Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA).

·      Mainstreaming GESI for transboundary water resource management.

·      Open and Distance Education.

·      Water Diplomacy and Transboundary Aquifer Management.

·      Introduction à l'Analyse Décisionnelle basée sur le Risque Climatique (CRIDA).

·      Groundwater vulnerability assessment in transboundary river basins.

·      ICT Essentials Course for Teachers - Zimbabwe.

The official link from  Here

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